

不遵守大学住宿程序可能会导致纪律处分,被指控违反程序的学生可能会通过大学住宿行为系统进行转介. For more information, please refer to the 大学的宿舍 进行系统 section of the handbook.



学期休息期间, and during any other recess period during which they choose to leave campus, residence halls students are required to follow the guidelines shown below. 在学期休息期间,公寓的住客可以选择住在指定的宿舍,也可以选择离开.

Please note that food service is not available during recess periods.

1. 在下午6点之前腾出房间.m. 于指定截止日期.
2. In Hamlin and Vandenberg Halls, unplug all electrical appliances (excluding refrigerators). 在Hillcrest和Oak View Halls, unplug all electrical appliances (excluding refrigerators and microwaves).
3. 把房间里的垃圾都搬走.
4. 除第一层外,所有楼层都要打开百叶窗. 在第一层,关上百叶窗.
5. Special permission must be obtained for aquariums to remain plugged in over break. Please submit a request to your residence director no later than one week prior to closing.


Students requesting termination of their 大学的宿舍 contract must complete and submit a Contract Release Form.

关于如何提交在线合同发布的说明 可以在我们的网站上找到吗. If a student moves out of 大学的宿舍 without completing a contract release, charges will continue until the contract release has been processed or the contract expires. 在你拿到钥匙之前,食宿费用不会正式停止, 密封在结帐信封里,由你签名并注明日期, 已经交给房屋办公室了, 哈姆林厅448号, 或大学学生公寓办公室, 4000安伏. 尼科尔森. This signifies termination of your 大学的宿舍 contract.


大学保留权利关闭任何或所有的大学宿舍建筑,并停止食品服务期间的任何真正的紧急天气造成的, 电源故障, 罢工, 骚乱, 火灾, 灾害, 突发公共卫生事件; 或其他超出学校控制范围,导致暂时无法或不明智地维护大学住房设施或食品服务的情况.



在假期和学期休息期间,所有住在宿舍的学生必须在期末考试的最后一天之前离开宿舍. Holiday recesses and semester/session breaks are not included in room and board fees. Residents of the apartments and cottages are permitted to stay over breaks (except summer break) at no additional cost.

住房 will be provided for individuals who demonstrate an exceptional need to stay late, overnight or during an entire holiday recess or semester/session break after the halls close. 特殊需要是基于从你的家或永久居住地到宿舍的旅行距离. An exception may be granted depending on whether you live out of town (beyond the Southeast Michigan area), 在州外, 在国外, 和/或在校园内或附近工作. 在就业情况下, you must submit a letter from your employer verifying employment and your schedule during the recess or break.  Exceptions may also be made in instances where students do not have another home outside of the university. 逾期不退将不予批准. Exceptions to stay may be submitted via a from in your My住房 portal. 与适当表格相关的信息将在闭馆说明中提供,并在每次闭馆前通过电子邮件发送给住院医师.

Guests are not permitted during any holiday recess or semester/session break. 不允许撑开入口门和其他允许其他学生或陌生人进入任何大学住宿设施的行为. If this policy is violated, you will be asked to leave, and disciplinary action will result. 


Students are strongly encouraged to exercise sound judgment when making decisions regarding their personal safety. 学校不鼓励学生天黑后在校园里单独出行,应将车停在光线充足、人流量大的地方. 对于住客来说,告诉他们的室友/室友他们什么时候出去,什么时候回来总是好的做法. Do not let strangers or suspicious characters into any 大学的宿舍 building or leave doors propped open.

如果你担心自己的安全, 他人的安全或你的财产, 或者如果你需要其他形式的警察协助, 你可以联系十大菠菜台子警察局. They are a certified police department and available 24 hours a day. 为紧急情况, call 911; for non-emergencies, call (248) 370-3331; for the hearing impaired, 拨打(248)370-3337 (TDD).


Residents who try to physically harm themselves with the intent to complete suicide, 或者用语言表达他们完成自杀的意图, 或者表现得不理智, uncontrollable or destructive behavior that is a threat to self and/or the welfare of others, 大学宿舍、十大菠菜台子咨询中心和/或十大菠菜台子警察局会立即采取行动吗. Follow-up with the 十大菠菜台子 Assessment and Care Team will determine the best course of action for the resident. 

在医疗紧急情况下, 将与十大菠菜台子警察局联系,以确定该学生的病情或受伤程度,并将呼叫EMS寻求医疗援助. 大学的员工, 包括大学宿舍职员, 不允许运送居民到医院吗, 医生办公室或诊所提供医疗援助. Medical assistance can be obtained on campus at 葛培理健康中心 Monday through Friday. 致电(248)370-2341查询门诊时间或预约. When 葛培理健康中心 is closed, after-hours medical and emergency care can be obtained at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, (248) 858-3000; or 提升普罗维登斯 医院,(248)652-5000. 学生办公室的电话是(248)370-3352.

任何关于处理心理和医疗紧急情况的程序的问题或关切,可以由大学住房办公室的住宿生活助理主任回答或解决, 哈姆林大厅,448房间, (248) 370-3570.


全年将提供三次房间重新分配期,让学生有机会选择新的房间或公寓位置, 如果空间允许的话. 关于如何参与房间重新分配的说明将在学期开始前大约一周通过电子邮件提供. 预定的房间重新分配期的日期 可以在我们的网站上找到吗.


房间合并指的是填补部分空出的房间,如果学生占用部分空出的套房,并且由于通过残疾支持服务批准的住宿而没有保证的单人套房. It also refers to combining partially filled buildings into a centralized location. 大学的宿舍 reserves the right to consolidate rooms and buildings as needed, at any time. Notification of consolidation will be provided to impacted residents via email.

Students who fail to cooperate with the room consolidation procedure may receive judicial documentation. 对于违反合同协议条款的学生,大学住宿部将保留转移学生或终止合同的权利.


Students are expected to familiarize themselves with, and adhere to, 十大菠菜台子’s 不当性行为政策. If you have questions or concerns about incidents of possible sexual misconduct, 请通过电子邮件联系住宿生活助理主任-社区标准和学生关怀Brittney Mitchell (电子邮件保护).


All residence hall rooms are intended to have a minimum of two occupants. 当占用率不足时, 如果学生通过残疾支持服务办公室获得单间占用的批准,他们可以被分配到自己的双人间. Single assignments will not be made in rooms designed to accommodate three students. Single rooms will be assigned at the discretion of 大学的宿舍, 如果空间允许的话.


任何希望审查个人记录的学生都可以亲自到哈姆林大厅448号的住房办公室申请审查. These records must be reviewed in the 大学的宿舍 Office.


当有龙卷风警报时,十大菠菜台子警察局和/或大学住房工作人员将通知居民. 校园周围也会响起龙卷风警报. A warning means a tornado actually has been sighted, and you are to take cover immediately. Staff will direct you to the safest place in your building (usually the first floor or basement, 远离任何窗户), 或者你应该按照贴在每层楼的说明去做. Everyone should take shelter until an all-clear is issued by the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department.

If you are caught outside during a warning and do not have time to reach a building, 在低洼的地方或沟里寻找掩体. Lie face down and cover your face with your forearm to protect against flying debris.


The contract between the student (resident) and the Department of 大学的宿舍 (university) is for residence hall, 学生入住公寓或小屋. It begins on the date specified in the contract and terminates at the end of the academic year, 或者在夏季合同的情况下, 夏季学期结束了. Signing the contract will immediately constitute legal obligations on both parties (the resident and the university). 除非居民终止合同或合同期满,否则双方都必须履行合同条款.  房屋合同的条款和条件 可以在我们的网站上找到吗.


At the end of each semester, residents are expected to vacate their rooms by the designated time. 体检迟到或因特殊情况不能按时离校的,应提前做好安排. 最后一分钟的请求可能不会得到尊重. 在秋季学期和冬季学期之间,如果学生要回到同一个房间,他们可以把自己的物品留在房间里. 如果不返回冬季学期,学生必须在秋季学期结束时将所有物品搬出指定的房间. 如果学生在冬季学期结束时没有回来参加夏季课程,他们必须将所有的物品搬出指定的房间. 校园内不设个人物品寄存处.



(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.